Nutricon | Omega 90 Caps
Omega 3 is essential, meaning that our bodies cannot produce it and we need to source it externally. As such, we have isolated Omega 3 individually in easy to consume, soft gel capsules.
Omega 3 is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatories at our disposal, which can assist recovery during intensive and exhaustive exercise or perhaps following injury and may be one of the most powerful over the counter non-prescription resource we have at our disposal to alleviate pain and discomfort in sore and aching joints. Omega 3 assists cardiac health by lowering levels of LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and increasing HDL (“good cholesterol”). It also promotes healthy endocrine function and insulin sensitivity. Despite its incredible benefits, it is arguably the most underrated and overlooked supplement that bodybuilders and serious athletes and are simply not taking enough of.